100 tweeters @CoreNetGlobal #CNGLondon last week

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There is sometimes a criticism of lack of twitter feeds coming from events – not only from CoreNet, but other large gatherings too.

I thought that I would have a look through this evening, and see if this is in fact true. The answer seems to be that it could be improved, BUT frankly I was surprised that I found 100 individual tweeters for #CNGLondon, CoreNet and London last week.

Here is a link to my list, and recognition I hope for those who do keep the twitter feeds live: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/42833890/2012_CNGLondon_Tweeters.pdf

So, very soon it will be the CoreNet Global Orlando Summit where we should see more ‘tweeting’. Our own Dr. Jim Ware will be there, tweeting as @thefutureofwork and @jpwoccupiers

regards, Paul Carder

@occupiers ; @WorkAndPlace ; @paulcarder

1 Comment
  1. Peter Prischl says

    How refreshing!
    Maybe the participants in the CoreNet Global London summit were actually LISTENING to the presentations, paying ATTENTION in CONCENTRATION, reflecting them and THINKING about what they may LEARN from that, possibly COMMUNICATING IN PERSON with other attendees (both of which are the core of what you go to an industry meeting for) instead of wasting their minds on chatter.
    I cannot release myself from believing that Twitter is – except in a few extraordinary conditions – a huge waste of time and mind. In a professional setting, at least.
    -Peter Prischl-

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