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Defining a new vision and role for facilities management
Last week I had the pleasure of speaking to a large group of facilities professionals at the June luncheon meeting of the Houston Chapter of IFMA (International Facilities Management…
Sodexo’s 2013 Workplace Trends Report is due out on 24 January
Be on the lookout for Sodexo's annual report on workplace trends; it's due out this Thursday, 24 January.
An online summary of the report identifying its 12 key trends for 2013 is already…
Work&Place: Our new Journal
Work&Place, OJL's new journal, is now out! The first issue is available online free of charge at this link:…
Have you registered yet for the IFMA/Cornell University Workplace Strategy Summit?
If not, you're going to regret it.
Where else could you spend two days at Cornell University (my own alma mater) in beautiful upstate New York in the fall (best time of the year there, by…
RICS backs global study by Occupiers Journal
Dear Friends,
We are extremely pleased to report that the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyrs (RICS - is supporting our global study, "Raising The Bar - enhancing…
Kevin Carroll on “Play for Performance”
Principles for turning ideas into reality:
Look - keep your eyes open; attach stories to what you see. Use the eyes of a child; look up; be curious
Be wiling to do champions' work -…
Corenet Summit – Workplace Community
Live blogging the Corenet Workplace Community: What's the Future?
Come back for updates over the next 90 minutes
Kate North opening up, welcoming people, explaining the concept of WPC
Jim Ware will be attending the Corenet Summit in San Diego next week
I will be attending the Summit in San Diego on April 29-May 1 as a press representative, in my role as Global Research Director for Occupiers Journal.
The Summit program looks exciting and…
Meet Our New Regional Partners
We are very proud to announce that Martin Leitch, Linda Van de Sande, and Francisco Vázquez have joined OJL as regional partners.
Please visit our Regional Partners page to read their bios…