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Opening up The Workplace Conversation
The Workplace Conversation
How evidence based design is reshaping the very world around us
In practice, most workspaces are still based on the experience and intuition of architects and designers, who come up with a design solution with only minimal input from occupiers. While…
Work, after Sandy
Teleworking and low-tech alternatives allowed many people to continue working in the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy.
The design of work and the work of design
Design thinking offers a new way of looking at broader business problems.
Making sense of knowledge worker productivity
Despite advances in technology, workplace design, HR and management, productivity in the UK has dropped 17 percent in the last decade. But why?
Technology impact, cyber-risk and the future of corporate real estate
The ‘how’ and ‘where’ people want to work is being transformed by the rapid digitisation of the workplace
The contribution of personality to the performance of agile workers
An organisation that supports agile working must allow for the preferences and personalities of individuals and provide an appropriate environment.
Musings on knowledge work and ‘place’
How do the places in which we choose to work affect the way we think? Are we losing creativity and innovation by limiting the options for many people?
Calling public sector managers and policy makers
The public sector is now one of the world’s great innovators in workplace thinking and a new network aims to share the knowledge
Don’t look to the skies for your inspiration
The much talked about characterisics of the offices of firms in the TMT sector have been around for far longer than some people think.