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Improving the workspace experience costs money! If you are connected to corporate office space, you will be familiar with the dilemma driven conversation about how to improve the workspace and the need to find the funds for those improvements. At its simplest this is a zero-sum game – you save…
My original intention was to write a quick blog to raise awareness of the upcoming Workplace Trends event in London on 18 October, strapline ‘The Office as a Desired Destination’. Work&Place are media partners.  But as is the way of these things, it's turned into a 'continuing professional…
ONA research findings spanning the pre and post Covid period based on a large population from a single company gives insights into human capital development for workspace strategists. 
It wasn’t always the case that once a project was complete and the new occupiers where toiling away in their new workspace, it would make sense to ask if the original intentions of the design are delivering on their promise. Project Managers, Architects and Clients kept in touch of course –…

From the Blog

BEYOND HYBRID WORKING – A Smarter & Transformational Approach to…

Review of Andy Lake's book titled BEYOND HYBRID WORKING – A Smarter & Transformational Approach to Flexible…

Common characteristics of the Workspace transformation game

Improving the workspace experience costs money! If you are connected to corporate office space, you will be…

The Office as a Desired Destination: Workplace Trends, London, 18 October…

My original intention was to write a quick blog to raise awareness of the upcoming Workplace Trends event in…

550 employee group pre/post COVID Organisation Network Analysis Study

ONA research findings spanning the pre and post Covid period based on a large population from a single company…