Work&Place is a premier global resource for professionals exploring the evolving intersection of work with digital, cultural, and physical spaces. Since 2012, we’ve curated insights from leading workplace thinkers, offering cutting-edge ideas of high value for today’s workplace practitioners. Our comprehensive platform features the innovative Bento Box series, delivering multifaceted explorations of key topics through articles, podcasts, and videos. Discover how Work&Place can enhance your understanding of modern work environments and help shape the future of work.

Contributors and readers come from a range of backgrounds and offer a range of perspectives, but all share a common interest in the issues faced by organisations and people in the changing world of work.

Work&Place has a global network and operates on a sponsorship and advertising funded business model.  We aim to deliver exceptional content, subject to the scrutiny of an editorial panel of workplace experts.

We do think about different types of work.

We think about the different types of work activity which people do today.

We think about the different places people go to do that work.

We think about Work&Place  …..

And the more we think about these things, the more we realise the trans-disciplinary nature of ‘workplace’ (envisioning, design, creation, management and continuous change and adaptation).

The interconnectedness of these disciplines can be simplified into 5 ‘P’s:

People –  psychology, human resources, recruitment and retention;

Process – ICT, service and product design, facilities;

Place – location, planning, real estate, architecture, interior design, construction;

Performance – C-suite (CEO, COO, CFO, CMO) and Analysts; Business Unit leaders; and

Programmes – Projects, and Change Management; marketing; customer retention.

We search for practitioners with well researched and thought-provoking ideas to collaborate with Work&Place.  We invite articles showcasing real-world best practices; insightful case studies; innovative techniques or technologies; updates on regulatory and legal requirements; and other ideas that help workplace professionals gain new perspectives on the challenges ahead.

This website is full of information, including over 100 articles selected from the Work&Place Journal plus the extensive W&P blog and Bento Box series.  If you want to stay connected to what’s new, please subscribe to our Work&Place Newsletter. Enjoy!

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