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Human Resources
A new approach to organizing Human Resources Management
The triple-pillar mode, based on Dave Ulrich‘s role model, has now become widely accepted as an HR business model, particularly in large companies. It consists of three core areas: the HR…
Why do we experience so much stress in the workplace?
The digital age was supposed to be a dream come true: a life of leisure filled with easy access to rich information and inexpensive but productive technology. In reality, it is more like a…
How to save a sinking ship: lessons from Yahoo
No firm’s workplace has been more talked about in the last few years than Yahoo’s and not always in a good way. But what happened and what lessons does it have for the way we all design and…
Heisenberg, Jabberwocky and the medicalisation of dissatisfaction
Work isn't as enjoyable as it should be but is our dissatisfaction with it primarily about the places and cultures in which we work or our reaction to them?
Opening up The Workplace Conversation
The Workplace Conversation
How evidence based design is reshaping the very world around us
In practice, most workspaces are still based on the experience and intuition of architects and designers, who come up with a design solution with only minimal input from occupiers. While…
How flexible office space drives sustainability
The flexibility to choose where and how to work can be a double-edged sword, but when done correctly opens new vistas of choice and engagement
Making sense of knowledge worker productivity
Despite advances in technology, workplace design, HR and management, productivity in the UK has dropped 17 percent in the last decade. But why?
A unity of opposites at Sky Central
Sky’s new London headquarters challenges the idea that, when it comes to workplace design and management, you really can’t have it all
A New Zealand perspective on workplace transformation
The modernization of work has only led to it being more intense and controlled. It’s time we introduced a new age of working based on relationships and not rules; people and not process